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Wash N Wax Day for the Miata
The Miata started to look a little dirty after a couple weeks, so it was time to get down and clean her!
I began by washing the car with Dawn soap twice, to remove any previous layers of wax, crap, and dirt that was on the car. I then used a Mothers ClayBar treatment. Then I used Meguires Step 1 and Step 2, and finally Mothers Carnauba Wax to finish it all off.

The Before shot
This is the car before I began any work on it. Its a bit dirty, and needs quite a bit of elbow grease...
After Steps 1 and 2
After washing twice with dawn, doing the clay bar, and applying Meguires steps 1 and 2.
The reflections in the paint were great! I got dizzy looking into the paint a couple times while I was wiping the hood down at various points :)
The finished product
After applying the Mothers Wax, the car doesnt look too bad :)
Front End
Another shot after final waxing
Sunny Side Up!
Sunset on the Bay
Me trying to be romantic.