deadmeats website


Mazda MX-6

Ford Probe GT

Mazda 626 Touring GT


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The '95 Miata

The Clean '95 Miata

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deadmeats personal page..

This is my site! all mine! MINE!
This is my site, if you dont like it, i dont blame you ;)

check back about once every two-three years... thats about how often the front pages get updated...

anywho, enjoy!


This is my personal sight right now, and has been redone recently to add a few things required to fit the requirments of the final exam for my web development class.  Hope you Like the new changes, as this thing probly wont be touched for a few more years :)

As boring and unexciting as I am, I work two jobs in addition to going to school.  I am working towards an A.S. in programming and computer networking... Money... Here I come!

You are loser... I mean, visitor # ; )

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Best automobile ever made!
give this picture a little click, and check out my personal car!

Just cruise me site, any problems and you can just email me by clicking the email links.
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